Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yankees Fallout: IVAN NO-MORE

FINAL: Yankees 0 Blue Jays 6

I think we have learned that Ivan Nova won't pitch in the postseason -- if there is one, for the Yankees.

"Best pitcher in baseball" -- really, Nova ? Best pitcher, my ass !

Yankees lost this game because of Nova. You cannot put your club down 4-0 in the 5th inning. You're giving your offense no chance to score; I don't care how explosive the Yankee bats can be, they can't come from behind every single time.

Once Nova gave up the 2-run homer to Brett Lawrie, I thought Joe Girardi should of got the bullpen going. Because once you see Nova missing high with his fastball, he doesn't have it. He needs to keep the fastball down, in order to succeed.

These are such crucial games. Putting your team down 4-0, is basically give your team a lost. Nova was suppose to show the Yankees he can pitch a big game, so he can have a chance to be added in the postseason. All he did was made sure he wasn't on the postseason roster.

Yankees bumped David Phelps, for Nova. That's starting to look like a mistake. Phelps should be bumping Nova off the rotation.

Yankees Have a 1-Game Lead in the A.L East: Another missed opportunity for the Yankees to distances themselves from the Orioles.

Every time the Yankees miss an opportunity to gain more games on the Orioles, they're giving the Orioles more hope to win the division. I know the Yankees have not lost possession of first place, but you want to clinch and win the division as soon as possible, so they can rest their guys.

A win today, would have been sweet start. Yankees would have dwindle the the magic number to five and gain two full games on the Orioles.

Now the Yankees have to win this series the hard way. And the Orioles start a series a against the Red Sox, tomorrow. Boston will throw out Aaron Cook and Baltimore will throw Chris Tillman -- you tell me whose winning that game ...

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