Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yankees Fallout: ONE AND-Y HALF

FINAL: Yankees 6 Twins 3

Oh, what a night.

J.P Arencibia's grand slam might have shaken things up in a tight, historic A.L East pennant race.

What a great way for the Yankees to start off this crucial final road trip, with a Yankee win and the Orioles, winning the first double-header and losing the second one, which makes the Yankee A.L East lead, 1.5 games up.

Nothing monstrous was accomplished. It's just a half game up. But, it's still a Yankee win and a Oriole lost, and it's a good, good start to this road trip.

Andy Pettitte: What a start ... That's why I liked Pettitte starting off the road trip. He starts the march and let the others follow.

Pettitte brings such confidence and calmness through the entire team. He's such a presents on that mound; a presents the Yankees missed.

Pettitte went exactly what the Yankees wanted to go -- throwing 88-pitches, and went six complete innings without allowing a run. He didn't have to go further since the Yankees gave him great run-support. Brilliant.

Andy got a lot of groundballs, which is a great sign. That means his cutter is sharp. Pettitte served two double-plays.

Ibanez-Chavez: Such perfect timing to get -- not only Raul Ibanez swinging the bat well -- Eric Chavez swinging the bat.

Both Ibanez and Chavez hit solo homers, this game.

Getting Ibanez and Chavez going is huge, because those are two veterans who can still hit, hit for power and take good at-bats. That would be a big lift for this week.

No Use Of Soriano: Good to see the Yankees didn't have to use Rafael Soriano. When David Robertson gave up the two runners Justin Thomas left, I still did not want to see Soriano come in. I wanted Robertson to get the out.

Magic Number to Clinch the A.L East Division: 8

With the magic number down to eight -- now the Yankees don't, really, have to worry about the Orioles winning games. They can focus on themselves, now. If they can win the next two games in Minnesota, the magic number will go down to six...or maybe less, depending on what the Orioles do.

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