Friday, May 17, 2013

Knicks Fallout: STAYIN' ALIVE

Knicks showed guts, last night. Wasn't pretty and it wasn't going to be easy. They fought for this win. And we all expected the Knicks to win by 20-points -- but then you have to realize that this is the playoffs and the Indiana Pacers are a damn good team.

But can the Knicks put up this type of effort and fight in Game 6 at Indiana, is going to be the question. Can they stay in a close score, in every quarter, on Saturday. Because we all know the Pacers are going to be ramped up and ready to close this out. They want no part of a Game 7 in New York. If they're down by 10 in any part of this game, it could be trouble.

Chris Copeland: After what you saw, is it finally enough for Mike Woodson to play him?

Copeland was the J.R Smith of this season, in this game. That's what the Knicks have been missing since Smith went to that slump, and with Steve Novak not playing. Someone who can come in and shoot threes.

Copeland was the only Knick who shot more than two three-pointers. He was 3-4 behind the arc. While everyone else was 3-14. That is unbelievable. Copeland might have saved the Knick season.

The 28-year old rookie deserves to play. Copeland, not only can shoot the three and score from anywhere, he can grab some rebounds in the paint and score the easy two, or keep the play alive. Had 4 total rebounds in Game 5. Those long arms of his can be useful.

Game 6 Plan: Focus on the Pacer guards; leave the two bigs, David West and Roy Hibbert alone; meaning, don't double-team West and Hibbert -- thats when the Pacers find the open guard for the open three. That has killed the Knicks in Games 3 & 4. Just play man-to-man with Hibbert and West. They aren't Karl Malone and Shaquille O'Neal.

And if George Hill is still out with that concussion, you still play heavy defense at guard. Shut those guys down. That's were the Pacers really do their damage.

Novak needs to get in this game. And get him in early in the second half. If he can start raining three-pointers, the other Knick players are going to feed off that.

Let's hope Smith can gain some confidence from Game 5, and continues.

Knicks need every single point, from every single player who can give it to them. They have to outscore Indiana by doing what they've been doing all year long.

Put the pressure on them; especially with Hill out -- if Hill is out, Indiana is going to be pressured to win. Go out there and lay it all on the line. Don't lose Game 6 and end up saying: 'Man, I should've, could've, would've'...