Thursday, July 11, 2013

Yankees Fallout: QUAD THE F**K?!

Yankees Split The Series Against The Royals, & Win Today, 8-4.

Captain back! Now...Captain gone?

This is the reason why the New York Yankees have to keep the DH spot open. Especially, as long as Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez are playing together.

Jeter's quad didn't tighten because he returned too early. It tighten because he's not 29-years old anymore. At currently 39-years old and his career from here on out, Jeter's days of being the everyday shortstop are probably coming to an end. Before the ankle injury I believed it a little in his career coming to an end, now today after coming back and he tightens his quad, makes me believe it more.

Jeter can talk and say that age has nothing to do with it -- no, it has everything to do with it. If you're playing baseball or any other professional sports at age 39(besides golf), you're either playing limited roles, or not playing at all. Especially coming off a broken ankle. One bad injury at that age can be the beginning to an end.

With Jeter coming back, I thought now Eduardo Nunez would be a good trade chip. Not anymore if Jeter won't be able to play shortstop everyday.

This sucks for the Yankees because the DH spot is gonna have to be clear, and they won't be able to acquire -- let's say -- a Justin Morneau to DH, if Travis Hafner begins to tank this season.

He's gonna take an MRI for the tight quad. He doesn't seem that concern. Jeter was suppose to play shortstop tomorrow in the series opener against the Minnesota Twins. That doesn't look to be a reality anymore. Though I think he'll play tomorrow, but will DH.

Lyle Overbay: He proves me wrong every time I make a post about how the Yankees should get Morneau. Even though, I did say, before the season began that Overbay would have a lot of clutch hits. -- and he has.

I just didn't know, and will don't know, if Overbay can that thumper in the middle of the lineup. Not only he's hit homeruns, he's hit big singles and doubles in big scoring situations. Like today hitting that big two-out, RBI single that gave the Yankees the lead.

Last night, he also hits a big grand slam that broke the game wide open.

Andy Pettitte: 8 hits, 4 runs - 3 earned, 1 walk and 1 strikeout.

It was another shaky inning for Pettitte, by he does what he does best and that's compete.

Am I worried about Pettitte? Yes and No. Yes, because he's 41-years old and can break down at any point. No, because you want Pettitte to struggle now and be great in August and September. So you rather he get the bad out now, until the next two months.

This has got to be Pettitte's last year. He's done. He and Mariano Rivera will most likely retire after this season -- for good.