Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yankees: A-Rod vs The Steinbrenners

After last night's big come-from-behind win, there was hope. There was hope for the New Yodk Yankees to make big run in the second half, with all their players returning -- until today's news.

To think that the Yankees are blocking Alex Rodriguez from playing just so the MLB can hit him with a suspension, so that the Yankees can get out of his contract, besides, putting him on the field to play and help the Yankees make a run for the playoffs, is disgusting.

You mean to tell me the Yankees are gonna block Rodriguez from playing, while Derek Jeter and Curtis Granderson are close to coming back, when all three dramatically change the lineup? And seriously help the Yankees make run for the postseason; and possibly win the division?

It sounds so wrong and un-Yankee like, you don't even want to believe it.

Bottom line is: If A-Rod is healthy and ready to go on Friday against the Tampa Bay Rays, put him in the lineup. Especially when everyone seems to be returning from the disable list. And when the Yankees seem to be closing in on acquiring Alfonso Soriano. Lets make a run, here. We are trying to make the postseason, right?

It's hard to scream, yell on A-Rod or the Yankees because the story is so confusing and removed from a horse's ass, it wouldn't be fair to take sides.

Brian Cashman needs to just walk up to Rodriguez tomorrow, and tell him: 'Are you ready to play, on Friday?' If he says yes, play him. We need him -- clearly.