Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I think it's time to press the panic button!

Who would've thunk a blown save by Mariano Rivera on Sunday afternoon would cause the New York Yankees to lose three in a row, after winning six in a row, prior to Sunday's game against the Baltimore Orioles.

There's no question the Yankees need serious help, offensively. Stevie Wonder and Helen Keller can text you saying this lineup stinks. That's how bad.

There's been rumors about the Yankees acquiring Michael Young, and/or Carlos Ruiz. I like both players; especially Ruiz, because the Yankees can really use an offensive catcher. And I can see Ruiz being with the Yankees beyond this season. Although, can he and Young fix the Yankees offense woes?

Derek Jeter is returning soon -- very soon; maybe this weekend. But is he going to make that much of difference?

Yankees need a game changer in the lineup. Someone who can give Robinson Cano protection; so much protection, they can't walk him anymore. That hitter: Justin Morneau!

A week ago, I thought the Yankees didn't need Morneau. With Lyle Overbay and Travis Hafner hitting well. But in reality, you can't rely on these guys to give Cano protection for the next two months.

Cano may not have protection all year, if Alex Rodriguez doesn't return. Might not even have protection next year.

Yankee DH, Travis Hafner, seems to be really struggling. He's 1 for 17 in the last five games, and is clogging the DH.

Even though Overbay is hitting well, sometimes you have to sacrifice something that's going well, for something great. Morneau could have less homeruns than Overbay, and can still make a bigger impact in the lineup behind Cano.

Yankees lost Mark Teixeira. A player who hits 35-homers and drives in 100 ribbies, every year. The Yankees are suppose to replace Teixeira with Morneau. They can't replace that with a 37-year old who use to be solid.

This lineup needs a game changer. Not a role player. Role players won't do anything for this lineup. Yankees need to acquire a thumper to hit behind Cano, and that guy is Morneau.

You would prefer to get a right-handed bat, but there's is no game-changing right-handed bats available. And Morneau is so great, he can still lefties.

If the Yankees didn't have Raul Ibanez one the team last year, they would have not made the playoffs. Ibanez helped the Yankees win games by smashing homeruns over that short porch in right. Something Morneau can do a lot of if he was here.