Monday, September 2, 2013

Breaking Bad Fallout: Major Star to Die?

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy... Things are about to pick up.

Every "Breaking Bad" fan has been waiting for that moment; that action pack, jaw-dropping moment -- well, it looks like that's going to happen next week, on Episode 13.

The way Breaking Bad ended last night, made me feel that one of the major characters will die next week.
And who do I think is dying on episode 13? Hank. Hank is going to be murdered next week. That's what I'm predicting.

But I don't think Hank will be purposely killed. He will be accidentally murdered. I'm predicting Hank will be accidentally killed by the shootout Walter, Jesse and Todd and his (Todd's) uncles will possibly have on the next episode, as Walter will order for the death of Jesse and Hank will try to get enough evidence on Walter.

I also see Jesse killing Todd; not only because Todd and his uncles are trying to kill him, but Jesse is still bothered by the way Todd killed that young kid who was riding a dirt bike.

I thought 'maybe' Jesse dies on the next episode, but I don't think so. He's too valuable. Jesse has become the good guy going against the bad guy, Walter. Hank WAS the good guy, until he treated Jesse like chop liver on last night's episode.

If Hank dies on episode 13, Walter is gonna run away from his family and everyone else. Then, after next week's episode, we might see the series turn into months later -- meaning, those clips we've seen Walter with that beard and faux-hawk.

I cannot wait to see what's behold of episode 13. Could be the second last episode, too.