Sunday, November 6, 2016

Williamsburg, Brooklyn: NYC Marathon Photos

What a beautiful day. 
Every year, on the morning of the New York City Marathon, I always get to see the first couple of runners and I always get to be in the early part where the atmosphere is kinda quiet - since it's early. But today, I went a little later; more in the afternoon. And man, it was some kind of atmosphere.

I walked all through Bedford, Ave, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and it was sight to see. From all my years of watching the NYC Marathon on television, I never viewed it the way I did today. I always thought it was just a jogging event. It's more than that.

What I saw in the marathon today, was peace being brought to the world. People coming from all parts of the world and coming together in New York City. I've always visioned peace in the world; like that famous visual or drawing of people holdings hands around the world. But always felt it was impossible. Although today, for the first time in my life, I saw a glimpse of that. It was amazing to witness and very emotional to see.

What we watch and hear on television, or even on social media, all these horrible things that's going on in the world. But taking a stroll on a simple, November Sunday, where people from Italy, France, Brazil, Mexico, Africa, China come to jog on an annual event to hug and share happiness on this particular day, I tend to think, you know what, the world is alright.

Darth Vader in Brooklyn! Mr.Vader kindly posing for a photo I was taking of him ... Or was he?

There was also this Donald Trump card reading genie - sorta thing. But instead of card reading, he told what he'd do as President of the United States.There was a red button  
Marathon cups.
More cups.
Down Bedford, Ave, with sun shining on the runners and on the Switzerland flag.

The runners jogging underneath the legendary and epic Williamsburg Bridge.

Everyone was so nice, even this dog decided to come over and say whats up. It was like: hey man, what's going on.

Now I love this dog. Look how much it wanted it wanted to be my friend. Or...maybe it just wanted the banana I had in my hand, that they were giving away.

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