Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yankees: Who will be the 2013 Right Fielder ?

As of right now, I don't think Nick Swisher is returning to the New York Yankees.

I love Swisher; the guy is a very good player; a great clubhouse guy, and most importantly - loves being a Yankee. Although, I think the Yankees have to move on and look for new faces. If Swisher is willing to accept a bench role, okay, just not as a starter. Yankees need to change the face.

Swisher could end up resigning with the Yankees, since the market for a right-fielder/outfielder is kinda slim, or might cost too much money and prospects.

But if you go down the list of outfielders who are free agents and on the trading block, they're some names who have talent and are underrated; some overrated, but they are young and what the Yankees need.

Let's look at the potential Yankee outfielders, shall we.

A free agent to be this season and roll of the dice to whoever takes a chance on him, with his ability to stay on the D.L.

Although, when healthy, Grady Sizemore can have rejuvenated season.

I don't think the Yankees would ever sign Sizemore, but any other team who needs stars, should take a chance.

People tend forget that Sizemore was going to be the next big center-fielder for years to come.

Not out of the question.

Michael Bourn can be the nextBrett Gardner for the Yankees, if the Yankees ever let Garder go.

You can say Bourn is what the Yankees need, when it comes to having situational at-bats. But I don't see the Yankees paying him big money. Also, Yankees would want power coming from right-field.

This is who the Yankees want !

I'm very sure the Yankees will be all in for a trade with the Arizona Diamondbacks for their RF Justin Upton.

Yankees and Diamondbacks have made plenty of trades before. So the chemistry between these two teams is not the question -- Yankees prospects, will be the question.

Yankees farm system has dwindle a little. It's not as thick, like it once was. But they do have young players on the roster to trade, like Ivan Nova, David Phelps (even though they might not trade) and Eduardo Nunez.

Upton, only 25-years old, and a potential to be a superstar.

Yankees need a right-handed bat. With Swisher gone and Alex Rodriguez getting older, the other right-handed bat they'll have is Mark Teixeira.

Upton is a right-handed, young and athletic right-fielder they need for the future.

As a Yankee fan, I want this guy.

I believe B.J Upton will be the Yankees right-fielder in 2013.

He is exactly what the Yankees need, and with this Upton, all they have to do is offer him money, since he'll be a free agent.

Right-hand pop, with speed and great defense. Upton is not a right-fielder, but when Curtis Granderson's contract expires and leaves the Yankees next year, I can see Upton sliding into center.

Most people want to take about Upton being lackadaisical on the field. But if you put him in a veteran team like the Yankees, with Derek Jeter -- who he was an idol of Upton growing up -- Alex Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira, he'll get advice and encouragement from them. B.J hardly had any veterans on the Tampa Bay Rays to get in his face. It's such a young team.