Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chris Brown ... You're an Idiot

On my site, I have defended Chris Brown; I'm a huge fan of his, and I've done columns about him making one mistake and how we all should be grateful to have a talent like him ... But after what I saw yesterday, I can't defend him anymore.

Yesterday on Halloween, Chris Brown dressed as a Taliban fighter ... I stupid can you be ?

After Brown was trying to get his life together; trying to bring back his good image and looked as if he was maturing, he's done backwards.

Brown is putting himself back to square one, after yesterday.

This costume tells me, that he's not worried about the ones who love him - he's worried about the ones who hate him.

He's getting eaten up by the criticism and it shows. Brown has shown his weakness.

We knew Brown was a little dumb and young by the way he's acted after the situation he had with Rihanna, when he was acting crazy on front of cameras and all, but we all thought he grow out of it. Well, this photo shows he's not, and he's also not just dumb, but he's a stupid idiot with no brains.

Does he realize what he's dressed as ? Does he realize that he's dressed as a group whose killed thousands of Americans in September 11th 2001 ? Better yet -- does he care about his image, anymore.

We seen lots of musicians do dumb things. Like Madonna doing Nazi imagery on her concert -- but the situation Brown is in, he can't be doing stuff like this.

For us fans of his, it shows that he cares more about his haters and not his fans.