Wednesday, June 19, 2013

R.I.P James Gandolfini: THE BOSS IS DEAD

After just having a discussion about hoping to seeing a potential "Sopranos" movie, this happens...

James Gandolfini, dead, at age 51, due to an apparent heart attack, in his home in Italy.

When the Sopranos were on television eleven years ago running new episodes, I wasn't big fan of it. I was kinda young at the time and I didn't like the violence.

But now, at this age and when the Sopranos has been long over, HBO began to run reruns of the Sopranos -- and I've suddenly become addicted to the show. I really have. I was thinking: Man, why didn't watch this back then.

I even began to search for all Tony Soprano's clips of him whacking someone, on YouTube.

And today, ironically, I searched for "James Gandolfini's interviews" on YouTube. Because I wanted to see him speak like his normal self and not Tony. So I found a clip of him winning an Emmy in 2000, and he spoke so differently from his character Tony, and hearing him speak as himself, as James, he's this sorta shy, well spoken, with a non-new yorker accent. Totally different from Tony. It made me realize what a gifted actor he was -- to be this normal, shy guy, then to act on screen like this miserable, mean, heavy New York accent, bad-ass Mob King, is outstanding.

Gandolfini will be missed from his old cast, and to every New Yorker who was a fan of his. He's a New York City celebrity legend.

R.I.P Boss