Thursday, June 20, 2013

Spurs-Heat Game 7 Preview

This is what it's has come down to, folks. Game number seven. I didn't think we'd get here; especially watching the way the San Antonio Spurs were in handle of the 3rd quarter of Game six, I'd thought they'd close it out. But since they didn't handle their business, the Miami Heat were more than happy to take a Game seven.

Tonight, should be record breaking. Game seven between the Spurs and Heat tonight should be record breaking. If not, most definitely one of the top-ten highest Finals Game seven, in NBA history. Everyone is talking about this game. I thought Game six was big -- not even close.

Yesterday morning, I did not feel good about the Spurs going into this game. But as the day went on, and today's gut feeling, I feel more confident about them. I believe in them more today, then yesterday and after their crushing Game six lost. No real reason -- I just do.

People like to bring up the Spurs being deflated after Game six. Maybe right after the game was over they did, but I don't think they'll be out of it. They're gonna be in it. And the bigger the game is to the Spurs, the better, in my estimation.

The more hype that this game gets, the better for the Spurs. It would've been worst if Game seven was yesterday. That would've tough for the Spurs to bounce back from, with their age and the minutes they endure. But with the day off to rewind, with the hype of a Game seven -- which is historic in any sports league -- Spurs will be up for the challenge.

San Antonio will not give up. They came this far -- why stop now. The Spurs have a veteran, experience, great, championship pedigree team. With one of the greatest coaches in sports history, in Greg Popovich. Finals Game seven, should be their home. They'll feed off this game more, than Game six.

What It'll Take For Miami To Win:

Dwyane Wade. If Wade can give his team 20-points, or have a big fourth quarter, the Spurs will have no chance to win. Because you know Lebron James is gonna be good and the rest of the three-point shooters will make their shots.

But I don't know if Wade has enough in the tank. He's looked worn out. His body is telling him: The season is over -- I can't do it no more.

James is gonna have to get the basket like he did late in Game six. If San Antonio shuts him down from getting into the paint, and Wade is still not Wade, it's gonna be tough for Miami to win.

What It'll Take For San Antonio To Win:

Continue to block James from the paint. Like they're been doing all series, make Lebron shoot jumpers, and let Mike Miller, Mario Chalmers, Shane Battier and Ray Allen beat you. Also, all Chris Bosh will do is shoot jumpers -- that's it. That can't hurt the Spurs.

Manu Ginobili is due for a big game, tonight. He's got to come out like he did on Game five. He may be old, but he's too good to be that bad again. Especially in a big game like this.

Danny Green was not hot on Game six, which is a good thing. Because like Ginobili, he's due. Green could be the Finals MVP. Spurs need him to light it up from the three-point line.

Gary Neal is much needed for the Spurs as well. He and Green need, at least, a combine ten three-pointers in this game, for the Spurs to have any chance.