Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Yankees: A-Rod Suspended - Chase Headley?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, because we don't if Major League Baseball will suspend Alex Rodriguez, due to connection to the Miami-area of the an ongoing performance-enhancing drug scandal.
But if that does happen, Rodriguez will most likely not play in 2013 for the New York Yankees. And, could that raise some speculation of maybe the Yankees going after San Diego Padre third baseman, Chase Headley.

Before this story broke, we knew Rodriguez was coming back and the Yankees also had Kevin Youkilis playing third. Now with Rodriguez possibly out for the season, and Youkilis just coming back from the D.L on Friday and learning that his back issues could be a problem the whole year, Headley has got to be considered.

Every baseball writer, Yankee fan or not, knows that Headley is a perfect fit for the Yankees. He's what the Yankees need -- a switch-hitter, only 28-years old, can hit over 25-homers and can be the Yankees third baseman for the future; and he's also under control for next season making little money.

I don't think he's gonna cost as much, as he would've last season. Headley was having a career year last year, while this season he's having a slow start and coming off an injury. So the Padres aren't gonna ask for much, I'm guessing.

Yankees have some arms to give-up. David Phelps and Ivan Nova are good chips. San Diego could ask for Yankees top prospect, outfielder, Slade Heathcott. Who I wouldn't mind giving up -- if it's not young pitching, it's okay. Trading position players for players is okay.

So we'll see. The MLB Trade Deadline is long ways away. We're only in June, for crying out loud!