Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2013 MLB All-Star Game Fallout

First and foremost, the 2013 MLB All-Star Game in Citi Field was a success. I wish I could've been part of the festivities that took place but didn't get a chance to witness. Only in New York, an All-Star weekend can be this great.

The MLB All-Star is great every year; especially the introduction when Joe Buck announces the names of the players. I find that to be one of best things about the MLB ASG compared to any sports today in their All-Star celebration.

Even when they announce the reserves, I find that to be great. Knowing that some of them won't play in the game, but yo have your name called like that and shown on t.v that you were part of the 2013 All-Star game, is special.

I always like to say the name before Buck says it, just to show my family I know every single player in baseball -- lol.

Orange Cleats:

I loved the color cleats each player wore. From Max Scherzer to Matt Harvey. Reminds me of the NBA All-Star game when players wear the coolest, or un-released sneakers.

Someones gotta wear Jordan cleats. Too bad C.C Sabathia wasn't there. He would've wore the Jordan 1's.

Although I thought Adam Jones' neon, orange cleats looked the best. Couldn't find a damn photo of him wearing them...

Scary Yankee Fan Moment:

Oh GOD no! -- The words that came out of every Yankee fan, like me, watching when Robinson Cano got plunked on the right knee by a 98-mph Harvey pitch.

Thankfully they took him out. I wanted A.L staff to remove Cano and put ice on that knee, quickly. You don't wan him running around that knee, then it gets worse.

Cano took an xray of the quad/knee, and it came out negative. Thank god. Yankees CANNOT lost Cano. Without him, the Yankee lineup looks like crap.

Lets hope Cano will be ready for the start of the Boston Red Sox series that begins Friday.

Mariano Rivera:

What a moment. What I like to say:  A moment mixed with goosebumps because of seeing and hearing the "Sandman" song hit, with the crowd going nuts. Then, watching the fans and players from both side give Rivera standing ovation, was the emotional part.

For the very first time, this moment really hit me, that Mariano is going. Not just because the Yankees won't have a great closer anymore, but the fact that he won't just be around in anymore for baseball in general.

I think everyone felt it -- Yankee fans and other fans. Mariano has been a part of over lives for almost 20-years. He's a family member to us baseball fans, and players.

Mets fans hate seeing him in the ninth against their team. Red Sox fans love to beat him, in the ninth. But Mets and Red Sox fans respect him. They respect his class. They respect his heart. And most importantly, they respect the way he defeats them, then walks off the mound like it's just another game.

I also think Mariano, himself, felt it for the first time tonight, in this emotional moment. He almost broke down.

Truly one of the greatest moments in MLB All-Star history. To witness it live or on t.v while it was happening, is something we should all never forget.