Monday, July 8, 2013

Do You Look Like Your Mom or Dad?

Have you asked yourself, if you're guy: 'How do I know if I have my mom's pretty looks.' Or, if you're girl and you asked yourself: 'How do I know I got my dad's manly looks'. Well, I'm here to answer your question!

For years, I always dissect a parent's face and their child to who does the child look more like. And I think I figured it out. Or, you already know what it is and I'm just wasting my time typing this, while I should be talking about the New York Yankees... But anyways, here it is.

If You're a Son, Who Do You Look Like?:

The first born son always, most likely, looks like the mother.

The usual FIRST born son a woman and man has, should have the mother's face and the father's eyeballs and bone structure. If you're the first son, your face should look like if your mom's skin was ripped off her face and on to your dad's skeleton face, with your dad's eyeballs.

Now, if you're a second son, the way I described who'd you look like, is just the reverse. Meaning: If you're the second son, you could have your dad's skin face, and your mom's bone structure and eyeballs. The first son can look like this, too. But this mostly happens to the second son.

If You're a Daughter, Who Do You Look Like?: 

It's basically the same exact thing as the son. But if you're the first daughter that your parents conceived -- you should have your mom's bone structure, eyeballs, and your dad's skin face. Though, if you're a second daughter, it's the reverse. You could have your mom's skin face, and your dad's bone structure and eyeballs. 

If You're a Third Child: 

That's when it gets difficult. If you're a third the boy or girl your parents conceived, you can be pretty much mixed between your parents.

Perfect example of Derek Jeter and his family. 

Look at New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter. He looks A LOT like his mom. But to really know the structure to how he was made (besides his parents having great sex): Look at his father's bone structure and his mother's face. Put her face on his father skull face, it's Derek.

The opposite goes to Derek's sister Sharlee -- you take her father's face and put on her mother's skull face, it's Sharlee.

Charlie, Martin Sheen & Emilio Estevez:

As you see here, Charlie Sheen with his father Martin, they look somewhat alike. But Charlie's older brother, Emilio Estevez, looks more like his father. Why? Emilio is the first son. He has Martin's (his father's) bone structure and eyes -- like the first son would usually have from his father.

While Charlie, whose the second son, has his father's face, but his mother's structure and eyes.

Charlie and his father Martin don't look much alike now, though when you look at Martin's older movies, like 'The Apocalypse Now", you see glimpses of Charlie.

So there you have it! That's how you know if you like your mom or dad. If you knew this already, well, I just WASTED MY TIME! ;)