Monday, July 15, 2013

Matt 'Nicolas Cage' Harvey to start 2013 ASG

New York Mets' ace Matt Harvey (aka Nicolas Cage) will start the 2013 All-Star Game at Citi Field.

It was the right decision. Most of the baseball fans who will attend the All-Star Game at Citi Field will most likely be Mets fans, and the MLB's job is to get that crowd 'bumping', to start off the game.

It's not like Harvey has a 3-5 record with a 5.00 ERA. He's 7-2 with a 2.35 ERA. Harvey should be starting. He's one of the best N.L pitchers this season.

I understand Clayton Kershaw is probably upset that he isn't starting, but hey, this might be Harvey's and the Met fan's best moment this year. Let them have it. The L.A Dodgers are going to have a ton of big games in the second half. The Mets aren't.

When I thought about Harvey starting the ASG, I thought about Pedro Martinez in the 1999 All-Star Game at Fenway park, when he struck out five N.L batters, and the Boston crowd going nuts. Would love to see Harvey strikeout the side twice with the Met fans at Citi going bonkers.
That's why Harvey had to start the game. It's the right move.