Sunday, July 14, 2013

Yankees: Mark Trumbo?

Mark Trumbo is a player for this season, and the future.

With the Trade Deadline looming and the New York Yankees in desperate need of a bat, a right-handed bat that is, could Yanks GM Brian Cashman call the Los Angeles Angels could be interested moving Trumbo?

Reason why I asked is because, maybe, the Angels would interested in acquiring Phil Hughes?

Though, would Hughes be enough to acquire Trumbo? I don't think so, since Hughes will be a free agent at the end of the season.

Yankees would have to add more pieces to the trade. And if I were the Yankees and the Angels told me they needed a little more for Trumbo, I would definitely offer A LITTLE more to the offer, with Hughes.

I would offer Hughes and another pitching prospect.

Trumbo is what the Yankees need this year, and next. He's an outfielder/first baseman, which means: Next year, he can play first if Mark Teixeira can't, and he can play the outfield, which he is needed knowing the Yankee outfield will be vulnerable next year. Also, he's 27-years old. Yankees get younger.

With the Yankees having the payroll on a threshold of $189 million, Trumbo would be the perfect pickup for next year because he's making no money. He's only getting paid 500,000. If the Yankees can get him now and for next year, they can be set for 2014. They can let Curtis Granderson walk -- unless Granderson is willing to re-sign for less.

The Yankees have to look at players like Trumbo. That's their only way to be competitive and not having to spend; its also smart -- Yankees don't have to pay and they get younger and better. The payroll threshold is gonna block them from spending or trading for a big contract.

Trumbo is a 30-homer, 90-RBI a year, player. He's been absolutely consistent in his first four years with L.A. Yankees lost a consistent offensive player in Nick Swisher. They're paying for it right now.

I know the Yankees probably won't want to give up pitching -- but hey, gotta give up to get. And when it's a guy like Trumbo, you won't be disappointed.