Friday, July 19, 2013

R.I.P Corey Ocasio

A sad day in the neighborhood and 318-Family, as one of my longtime friends, Corey Ocasio, passed away.

Corey passed away due an asthma attack, in his sleep. And no matter how someone that you knew goes, it's always sad. But thankfully, this wasn't from a senseless killing, like we see a lot of these young men dying from today.

For those who knew Corey -- especially if you were with him in I.S 318, jr. highschool -- always knew what a fly dude he was. Corey was the best dresser in our school. He always had the newest jersey, shirts, jeans, and most importantly the thing I always admired him for, the newest sneakers. Every month a newest pair of Air Jordans were released, he would be the first to have them -- first than anybody in the entire school and neighborhood.

Everyday in school, we would all want to see what Corey is wearing that day. All my friends from 318 cannot lie when I say: The first thing you did when you saw Corey in the hallway, was look up and down on his clothes, lol. Because he had something new on, almost every single day. I mean, even the teachers use to check him out and admire him, lol.

I just realized at this instant -- I learned and got my fashion sense from him, in the early 2000's. The way he would match his sneakers with his jersey, or sneakers with his velour suits, I would do today. Corey would wear black sneakers with anything, because black sneakers matched with anything you put on. And now, I always need a pair of black sneakers just so I can wear any colored shirt. The little things like that I learned from Corey in jr.high when it came to fashion.

I never witness a friend this close to me since public school, pass away. And as you get older, wiser, stressed, then witness something like this where a part of your childhood goes away, life all of sudden looks real. Real, and going real fast.

My heart goes to his beautiful baby daughter and mother he's left behind.

From my our 318-Family, friends and I, we love you and we'll never forget you.

R.I.P Corey