Saturday, July 20, 2013

Yankees: People Want To Give Up?

For the past couple of weeks, it's amazing how I've been hearing so many New York Yankee fans and beat writers talk about how the Yankees should become sellers ... Sellers? Sellers in July 20th when they're only out 3 games from the wild card?

They're only 3 games out of the wild card and 7 games out in the A.L East at July 20th.

Yankees can still win the division. Especially when the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays, in reality, don't have the look of a team that's going to be consistent all the way t'll September.

Even if it was August 20th, you can't wave the white flag.

I understand the Yankees need to acquire a bat; I agree. But just because they lose the first game to the second half of the season, doesn't mean the season is over.

All the Yankees have to do is acquire one power bat. That's it. You put a power bat behind Robinson Cano and Alex Rodriguez and the Yankees are back to being who they are.

This is what's really funny to me: Some fans wanna sell the team and "start from scratch" as if they can handle that. Yea, lets see if you can stand having the Yankees play non-meaningful games in July, after being in the postseason for so many years. You'd fucking hate it.

It's so odd to hear fans wanting the team to suck for a couple of years so we can get 'younger', when fan-bases of teams like the Houston Astros, New York Mets, would love to be in the position we're in and are sick of losing.

Am I spoiled Yankee fan? ABSOLUTELY. I want to win every year. I never, ever want to have bad season. I never want to relive 2008. And I understand this could be 2008 all over again -- maybe worst. But I'm not going to give up hope in the middle of July when the team is only 3 games out of the wild card. That'd be ignorant.

Yankees were two hits away, or Andy Pettitte was one less mistake, from a win today against the Red Sox. It's not like they lost 14-0.

The Yankees can still make the playoffs. Not saying the Yankees will be okay if they get swept at Boston, but I have more confidents in them than most fans do.