Monday, July 29, 2013

Yankees: Cliff Lee should be discussed

You might be looking at my post and saying: 'No, the Yankees are not getting Lee" -- but it makes sense, to.

Yankees' GM Brian Cashman and the Steinbrenners have to consider acquiring Cliff Lee from the Philadelphia Phillies, in the next 48-hours before the MLB Trade Deadline.

Right now, the New York Yankees are 2.5 games back in the wild card -- which at this point is the most possible way for them to get in the postseason. If they do make it to the wild card and play that one-game wild card to enter the fourth spot in the postseason, if you're a Yankee fan, the only pitcher you want pitching in game number 163, is Hiroki Kuroda.

The Yankees' starting rotation looks this: They have a great-looking, 100% Kuroda, and 50%, tiresome Andy Pettitte and C.C Sabathia. Pettitte is definitely -- in my view -- is in his last year. Sabathia has not looked like himself at all this season; even though he's still reliable, but has just not simply pitched well for his team in the second half. He's lost two crucial games, already.

With the combination of Pettitte getting older, could break down at any point and Sabathia looking like he doesn't totally have it, Cashman has got to consider adding Lee, if Kuorda has to pitch game number 162 and not the one-game wild card. Not only getting Lee for that one game, but getting him to actually GET to the playoffs.

We talk about the Yankees needing power bats -- yea, okay, we do. Though how long are we gonna rely on Kuroda to be the ace of this staff. Kuroda has great stuff, but not enough to keep us in the playoff hunt. If I had to pick between a bat or Lee, I'm picking Lee.

God forbid something happens to Sabathia, to the reason why he's had such poor starts. If so, the Yankees can kiss their season goodbye.

Just like Robinson Cano needs help behind him in the batting order, Kuroda needs help in the rotation. I don't know how many seven-inning shut outs he has left in him.

I've said this time and time again, the Yankees need Lee for this season and next. Pettitte and Kuroda will probably be gone next year, that will leave Sabathia in a rotation by himself.

We can talk about the Yankees getting Michael Young, Justin Morneau, Chris Carter, Kendry Morales, and they all would be great to have, but, pitching wins. Pitching has kept the Yankees in it this whole time. Now they have to strengthen it.

Again -- if the Yankees had to pick between getting a bat or Cliff Lee, you can never pass on pitching.